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처리상태 :

페이지 정보

작성자 인솔교사 작성일10-01-20 01:14 조회767회 댓글0건


*Hey No English please.*


Hi my older sister!

I think father and mother is a couple match by heaven.

And My LonDon Tour is good and bad,

LonDon Tour is Good

Because Big Ben And LonDon Tower And BurkingHam Palace and Etc....

Is very huge  golgeous.

And Very nice.

But Rainy that days.

And we eat very not good pizza,

It's 8 pounds .

But The other friends Eat in pizza Hut!!

Very We are annoyied.

But In Oxford Tour, We eat In Pizza hut,

My friends pay all of 51pounds,

So I eat 4 piece of Cheese Bite Pizza With CokeCola

And We Run Away ,.. kk

So Me,two friends,

No pay of Pizza Price,

Only two friends pay all of pizza price.

Very Fun HaHa,

And Oxford is very nice and,

We go to Oxford Castle.

It was very creepy.

But Very funny,

My teacher cried,

Because One Monk surprised her,

She has teary eyes.

Like My Mother,

And I buy funny toy.

And 1.19 today, tuesday

We will go to the cinema to see sharlock holmes.

And We will call you ,

Bye See Ya


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